“It is a constant idea of mine that behind the cotton wool (of daily reality) is hidden a pattern, that we – I mean all human beings – are connected with this: that the whole world is a work of art; that we are parts of the work of art.” - Virginia Woolf
For as long as I can remember, my art practice has served as a filter between the outside world and my inside world. I realize now that the act of making the artwork informs my ideas rather than the other way round. Working intuitively results in a continuous stream of surprises that in retrospect mirror the pressing issues surrounding me at that time.
In All the Little Pieces my fascination with patterns of construction from micro to macro and natural to man-made continues. My work explores the gap between order and chaos and helps me to understand the meaning of balance.
Using mundane found objects, my sculptures probe the possibility of re-invention through the way the componentry of human habitation can be re-configured to offer us a new way of seeing and experiencing our world.
It is this process of metamorphosis that is at the centre of my investigation: how life forms make the transition from one state to another –tree to timber to tower or talisman; why some systems remain strong and others crumble.
Overarching my work is the notion of universal structure and the geometry that has informed our evolution from molecule to macro-system.
To view available works from this series please make your enquiry through the
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